Part of the series, "Sci-fi Movie Night Popcorn." this necklace is named for the cool
wavelengths between radio and visible parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. In keeping with the science aspect
of the theme, the two colors of red and blue are reminiscent of the specific colors of emission and reflection nebulae.
Emission nebulae are red because that is the color of the energy they are emitting while reflection nebulae are blue
because they are reflecting the light of very bright stars in their midst. As lovely as any nebulae this necklace will make
a unique gift for someone special.
Size: 18.5 inches
Ships in: 24 to 48 hours
Materials: Size 11/0 Red lined 5/0 Japanese triangle beads, true blue gilt-lined 8/0 seed beads, Czech silver foil lamp work focal bead.
Designer: © Patricia C. Vener
Price: 80.00 USD